the final piece of the evolution puzzle

danny vendramini

the main teem theory hypotheses

Although teem theory applies to all multicellular animals, when citing examples, I’ve mostly used humans because most of us are interested in how teems affect our own species.

1          The second evolution hypothesis

The ‘second evolution hypothesis’ argues that evolution on this planet is regulated by two separate evolutionary processes. In addition to natural selection which regulates physical evolution, (plus a small number of reflex behaviours), a second process emerged about 540 million years ago (which I call ‘teemosis’) to regulate innate behaviour and instincts in multicellular animals.

2          The teemosis evolutionary process

As an evolutionary process, teemosis is unusual because it doesn't affect physical characteristics. In fact, it only regulates the evolution of one thing – emotion, and only in multicellular animals. Significantly though, emotion can function as a biological language that can encode adaptive experiential information into DNA where it can be inherited to the next generation.

The teemosis process allows powerful emotional responses (to singular environmental events and circumstances) to be genetically encoded into DNA. These archived emotions provide the individual with an ‘emotional memory’ which can be inherited to offspring Because this emotional memory is encoded by powerful, traumatic emotions, I call it a ‘teem’ (Trauma Encoded Emotional Memory.’)

3          The CNS seismograph hypothesis

This hypothesis argues that the central nervous system (CNS) rather than the brain is the real ‘emotion producing organ’ in animals. This theory sees the CNS as a kind of ‘organic seismograph’ that produces ‘patterned neuronal activity’ when stimulated by sensory stimuli from sensory receptors like eyes, ears and noses. This constant stream of patterned neuronal activity is what the organism experiences as emotion. Therefore, emotion is common to all animals with a CNS and sensory organs.

According to this model, the CNS is able to discriminate and interpret fluctuations in emotional activity so that transduced sensory stimuli forms a ‘emotional language.’

4            Transduction theory

Transduction theory describes the process whereby stimuli from sensory organs are translated, or more accurately ‘transduced’ into variable patterns of neuronal activity (or emotion) which the CNS linguistically recognizes and interprets.

This theory argues that every sensory precept generates a unique pattern of emotional activity so, for example, the emotion generated by our eyes when looking at a cat will be different from the emotion generated by a different cat, and the emotions will change depending on what the cat is doing. Emotional transduction is adaptive because it creates a rudimentary perceptual system that doesn't depend on a functioning brain to work.

This hypothesis  tells us that every minute of every day, we are subliminally translating everything we see, hear, smell, touch and taste into an emotional language that only our CNS understands.
The implications for human psychology are significant.

5           Seismographic pathology and human              health

This hypothesis argues that prolonged over-stimulation of the CNS by ‘toxic’ transductions produces stress emotions that precipitate psychopathology, disease and premature death in humans. In other words, certain sights and sounds, when transduced, can produce such toxic emotions that they damage the CNS, in some cases, irreparably.

A new holistic view of human mental and emotional health will emerge from an understanding of emotional transduction and its impact on the CNS.

6          The dual perception hypothesis

This hypothesis argues that what psychologists call perception is actually a fusion of two radically different perceptual systems – both using the same sensory organs but processing sensory precepts in radically different ways. While the brain processes precepts into comprehensible, discernible images, sounds, smells, etc, the original archaic but never completely replaced ‘emotional perception system’ transduces images, sounds, smell etc into patterns of emotion from which our familiar emotions are constructed.

Human perception can only be understood in terms of a fusion between conscious or ‘cerebral’ precepts (processed and comprehend by the cortex) and subliminal emotional precepts generated directly by the CNS.

7          Teem theory of emotions and emotional             memory

While the patterned emotional activity generated by the CNS in response to sensory stimuli usually subsides quite quickly, occasionally the emotion is so traumatic it disrupts homeostasis and releases stress hormones that genetically archive the traumatic emotions into the person’s DNA, creating a permanent genetic record of the powerful emotions. These emotions can be inherited and accessed by offspring providing them with an emotional memory of significant ancestral experiences.
According to this view, when we ‘feel’ an emotion, we are in fact ‘recalling’ an emotional memory of a specific real time event that an ancestor experienced. All our emotions are acquired in this way. For example, humans can feel the emotion of jealousy only because an archaic individual ancestor (possibly a hominid, but more likely a primate) genetically archived these particular feelings and the triggers that activate them into a ‘jealousy teem.’

Today, our myriad collection of jealousy teems accumulated over the eons provide us with the assortment of jealousy emotions’ ranging from mild envy to homicidal rage.

8          Teem theory of innate behaviour and                 instincts

While teems are simply packages (or quanta) of inherited emotion, when triggered, certain emotions can precipitate adaptive behaviours that do not need to be learnt. For example, the emotion of fear can precipitate defensive and escape behaviours. Similarly, the emotions released by a ‘romance teem’ will generate romantic behaviour, while emotions released by our ‘spider teem’ will usually precipitate anti-spider responses.

According to this hypothesis, all animal instincts and innate behaviour, including our own ‘human nature’ originated as individual teems, each one archived by an ancestral individual and selected for because it proved adaptive.

9          The Monitory System hypothesis

This hypothesis argues that all teemic species, from worms to whales have evolved unique neural modules and sensory organs that allow them to monitor for the environmental cues that trigger teems. In humans, this module is housed in the amygdaloid complex, deep within the limbic system of our brains. The module reviews the constant stream of transduced emotional stimuli from all our sensory organs (including our skin) and when a teemic emotion is detected, it triggers the teem and the emotions are expressed.

The monitory system operates independently of our brains, (even when we’re asleep) so remains a largely subliminal process. Nevertheless, it influences every aspect of our lives.

In practical terms, most of the stressed anxieties, depression, paranoia and tension that characterizes human psychopathology can be traced back to a hypersensitive monitory system that subliminally triggers powerful (often negative) emotions that the person does not understand and is unable to deal with.


10            Natural selection and the random                         plateau hypothesis

Since Darwin, biologists have believed that natural selection (NS) created all life on earth – both morphological and behavioural. I argue instead that natural selection is actually an ineffective evolutionary process incapable of creating either biotic complexity or biodiversity. This is because NS relies on mutations which are known to be random. While this random mechanism can achieve simple levels of evolution (microevolution), there is a limit to what NS can achieve (I call this 'the random plateau') before it plateaus off.

The hypothesis predicted that some other evolutionary process must be responsible for the evolution of the extraordinary complexity and biodiversity we see all around us in nature. 

11        The teem theory of macroevolution

Although the teemosis process doesn’t directly affect physical traits, my teem theory of macroevolution argues that teems indirectly influence organic (ie, physical) evolution in ten different ways.

This new theory of evolution argues that the evolution of biological complexity and diversity is actually the result of teemosis and natural selection working together rather than natural selection on its own.

12        The teem theory of sexual selection

Darwin’s theory of sexual selection explains that evolution is often driven by mate choice, whereby an individual, (usually a female) develops a preference for males displaying certain traits. In this way, he argued, peacocks evolved large flamboyant tails, not because they were adaptively useful, but because they appealed to females.

While this brilliant theory has since been confirmed by modern researchers, so far, no one has demonstrated how the female’s sexual preference is first genetically encoded into her DNA. The theory of ‘sexual preference teems’ appears to finally explain this. Typically, a sexual preference teem occurs when a female is so emotionally overwhelmed by a male displaying some new behavioural or physical trait she encodes her ‘attraction emotions (desire, love etc) into a new teem. Once encoded into her DNA, the powerful attraction emotions are inherited by her offspring who will prefer males displaying the same trait.

13        Teem theory of speciation

Extending the teem theory of sexual selection, it appears plausible that new sexual preference teems are a major factor in speciation – the creation of new species. According to this hypothesis, new species are created when an individual (usually a female) encodes a new ‘sexual preference teem’ that redefines her choice of breeding partners. Although the female’s offspring can theoretically interbreed with members of the parent population, because they inherit their mother’s teemic preference, they will only choose males that display the preferred trait, be it a physical characteristic or a particular behaviour (ie, a dance or other display.)

In this way, a viable new sibling species can be created within a few generations. I suggest that most new species evolve by this means.

14        Teem theory of animal size

Why do species vary so greatly in size? Biologically, there is no uniform trend towards larger species; no hard and fast evolutionary rule that says animals must get bigger. Insects, among the most successful and numerous creatures on Earth have remained minute while the Indrichotherium, the largest mammal of all time, is now extinct. In the sea, organisms vary from microscopic plankton to 30m long Blue whales weighing over 112 tonnes.

In the absence of any scientific consensus that would explain the enormous disparity between species, I propose that the size of animals, (including humans) is controlled by a subset of ‘sexual preference teems’ that I call ‘size preference teems.” Because size, shape, scale and even weight can be easily transduced into the teemic emotional language, females can encode a range of size preference teems – from ‘big is beautiful’ to ‘small is sexy.’ Once a female has teemically encoded her ideal mate size, she will only mate with males of the correct size.

To show how this works, imagine way back in their mammalian past, a single female whale - at the time no bigger than a dog, may have encoded a ‘bigger the better teem’ - and the race was on. By only mating with the biggest whales, her descendants eventually created today's majestic leviathans.

15        The origins of teemosis hypothesis

This hypothesis dates the evolutionary origins of teemosis to the Cambrian-Vendrian boundary, approximately 543 million years ago.

According to this theory, all complex instincts, emotions plus the evolution of biological complexity and species diversity date from this time. Before that, evolution was moderated exclusively by NS. After that date, evolution was moderated by both NS and teemosis.

The emergence of teemosis at the basal Cambrian was I suggest, the most significant moment in the history of our planet. Teemosis revolutionized life on Earth.

16            Darwinian instincts hypothesis

This theory asserts that for the first 3.2 billion years of life prior to the Cambrian emergence of teemosis (and the advent of the first complex instincts), innate behaviour and instincts existed but only in a very rudimentary form.

These ‘Darwinian instincts’ as I call them were in fact merely ‘reflex actions’ – simple gene based stimulus- response behaviours that facilitated basic survival in simple species. Significantly though, because they were derived from random mutations, these reflex actions could only be very simple and certainly didn't incorporate environmental factors.

Once teemosis emerged, Darwinian instincts were relegated to a minor role in behavioural ecology. Today, most animals, (including humans) still retain a few simple reflex behaviours.

17        The Cambrian Explosion hypothesis

The fossil record reveals that for the first 3.2 billion years, the only life was microscopic algae and other very simple life forms, exactly as predicted by teem theory. Then in a sudden explosion of complexity and diversity lasting only about 5 – 10 million years, the ancestors of all the species living today first appeared. This is known as the ‘Cambrian explosion’ and its cause remains one of the great mysteries of palaeontology.

Teem theory explains this sudden explosion of morphological complexity and biodiversity at the Cambrian-Vendian boundary as the result of the sudden emergence and rapid spread of the teemosis evolutionary process.

18        The teemic precedent hypothesis

This hypothesis argues that our major brain based (cerebral) biosystems – things like cognition, memory, learning, attention, language and perception first evolved as exclusively emotional versions – as functional components and by-products of the teemosis evolutionary process.

Millions of years later, when the first brains emerged, these rudimentary emotional versions of memory, attention, learning, motivation, perception, communications and even cognition served as biological templates – or precedents that guided the evolution of cerebral versions of these essential biosystems. For example, emotional memory served as the precedent for declarative memory, emotional perception guided the evolution of cerebral perception, and so on.

The evolution of complex systems like cognition, learning, memory and indeed the brain itself would not have been possible without these early emotional biosystems providing the first level of complexity.

The teemic precedent hypothesis explains how 'irreducibly complex' organ like the mammalian brain could evolve via natural selection. In doing so, it counters the 'intelligent design' arguments of creationists.

19       Teemic inheritance - the divided DNA                 hypothesis

Since Gregor Mendel discovered the rudiments of genetic inheritance, it has been thought that ‘Mendelian inheritance’ is the only means of genetic inheritance – a premise seemingly confirmed by fifty years by genetic research. However, I show that eukaryotic DNA contains an undiscovered second mode of inheritance, based not on protein-coding genes but on transposable noncoding nucleotides or teems. ‘Teemic inheritance’ does not regulate the inheritance of physical traits. It evolved to regulate the inheritance of emotions and innate behaviour.

This ‘divided DNA’ hypothesis provides a major breakthrough in the understanding of molecular genetics.

20        Teem theory of Personality

Teems are stored in special strings of noncoding DNA. Unlike protein-coding genes that remain very stable and resistant to environmentally induced mutations, teemic strings tend to be ‘hypermutational.’ This means the emotions archived in each teem undergoes modifications over time. These changes I suggest, create individual variation (or ‘personality’) in teemic species. That is to say, as teems are modified by mutations, sexual reproduction and slippage, the resultant modifications (called ‘polymorphisms’) produce variations in a person’s emotional responses which manifests as ‘personality.’

According to this hypothesis, personality is a naturally occurring by-product of the teemosis process. It explains why teemic organisms from flatworms to humans display individuality.


21        The DNA fingerprinting hypothesis

Genetic profiling (or ‘DNA fingerprinting’) has been used for twenty years to determine individuality and parentage by measuring differences in polymorphisms of noncoding DNA nucleotides. The process is very accurate even though geneticists don’t know the significance of these highly variable polymorphisms. However, if the teem theory of personality is correct, and individual personality accumulates as polymorphisms of ncDNA, it tells us that DNA fingerprinting (which measures these polymorphisms) is actually a measurement of personality.

This fits with what we know about personality - that every human is unique and displays a individualized personality.

22        The Teem theory of art

While humans often cite our use of art as something that distinguishes us from all other animals, teem theory argues that art evolved as a biological ‘component’ of the teemosis process and is therefore common to all teemic species. It is widely used by teemic species in habitat construction, mating displays and communication.

This theory sees art as the expression of ‘aesthetic teems’ – teems that produce emotions that guide the individual by a trial and error process towards some goal. For example, the aesthetic emotions released by a beaver’s ‘dam teem’ guide the beaver in the construction of its dam, informing the selection of every log and branch and generally guiding the placement of each piece of wood until the dam ‘feels right’ – ie. when the dam emotions are perfectly expressed. This is similar to the way aesthetic emotions subliminally guide the sculptor’s chisel, the artist’s brush and the poet’s pen. The artist manipulates the medium (be it paint, stone or words) in a trial and error process, guided by an ephemeral coterie of subtle aesthetic emotions. When the work produces the most satisfying emotions, the art is complete.

23        The cancer hypothesis

Teem theory asserts that traumatic life experiences - the death of a spouse, accidents, war, love and other highly emotional circumstances can precipitate a teemic mutation in human ncDNA. While most teemic mutations occur in introns and other noncoding regions where they do not interfere with protein manufacture, a teemic mutation may occasionally be transposed into or near a protein-coding exon that regulates a fundamental cellular process such as cell growth, apoptosis, or tumour suppression. If the teemic mutation is not repaired by enzymes, it may disrupt protein synthesis resulting in disease such as cancer.

The implications of teem theory for human health and psychology are too extensive to be dealt with here.


These hypotheses represent only a portion of the new holistic picture of nature that is revealed by teem theory. At least as many hypotheses again are described in the book.

The sheer breadth and interconnectedness of teem theory suggests it may be a kind of 'unified field theory' - a simple explanation of the workings of the nature that hold true over a wide range of exploration.

At the very least, teem theory reveals that emotion, so long disparaged by scientists as ephemeral and almost unworthy
of serious study, is actually one of the most  important
biological forces in nature.


Copyright: 2005-2010: Danny Vendramini

Kardoorair Press Australia

"I don't think I've enjoyed a book more than 'Them and Us' in my life."
Don Burke. Radio 2UE. 24th September. 2009 


How Neanderthal predation created modern humans


Danny Vendramini

"Sometimes it takes an outsider to cut through the routines of interpretation in the most intractable problems in science.  That is what Vendramini's approach offers the reader in his daring claims about the interactions between humans and their most famous evolutionary relatives, the Neanderthals. In doing so he provokes lots of new thoughts for professional and lay reader alike."
Iain Davidson, Emeritus Professor of Archaeology, University of New England. Visiting Professor of Australian Studies, Harvard University, Massachusetts
